{"id":1469,"date":"2016-10-31T22:45:23","date_gmt":"2016-10-31T22:45:23","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/columbiagradunion.org\/?p=1469"},"modified":"2016-12-04T15:44:14","modified_gmt":"2016-12-04T15:44:14","slug":"weve-got-union-election-dates","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/columbiagradunion.org\/2016\/10\/31\/weve-got-union-election-dates\/","title":{"rendered":"We’ve got Union Election Dates!"},"content":{"rendered":"

It\u2019s official! We get to vote for GWC-UAW as our union on December 7 and 8, 2016.<\/strong><\/p>\n

We have huge, exciting news! The regional National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) just announced the dates for our election on unionization at Columbia, December 7 and 8.<\/p>\n

After more than two and a half years of conversations among RAs and TAs, and despite Columbia\u2019s extensive efforts to stop our campaign, we will finally have the historic opportunity to vote for GWC-UAW as our union. If a majority of us vote yes, Columbia will have a legal obligation to bargain with us. Like RAs and TAs at more than 60 university campuses across the US, we would gain the ability to negotiate for improvements and to secure those improvements in a binding contract.<\/p>\n

Next Steps<\/strong><\/p>\n

We will announce our next GWC-UAW town hall very soon. Our numerous town halls, over the last two years and since the NLRB decision in late August, have provided energetic discussion of the many reasons so many of us want a union at Columbia and to address questions and concerns raised by those still undecided on the issue.<\/p>\n

The official dates, times and locations of the NLRB election are below:<\/p>\n

Wednesday, December 7, 2016<\/strong><\/p>\n