{"id":3469,"date":"2020-02-15T17:26:10","date_gmt":"2020-02-15T17:26:10","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/columbiagradunion.org\/?p=3469"},"modified":"2020-02-15T17:28:26","modified_gmt":"2020-02-15T17:28:26","slug":"a-statement-on-coronavirus-and-racism-on-campus","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/columbiagradunion.org\/2020\/02\/15\/a-statement-on-coronavirus-and-racism-on-campus\/","title":{"rendered":"A Statement on Coronavirus and Racism on Campus"},"content":{"rendered":"

Coronavirus and Racism on Campus<\/b><\/h4>\n

Columbia University\u2019s Office of Student Life stated in an email to the community on January 3 that it prioritizes \u201ctreating all in our shared community with respect and recognizing the dignity and humanity of each individual here.\u201d However, <\/span>recent anti-Chinese messages in Butler Library<\/span><\/a> and the School of Social Work, where the message \u201cFuck Chinese\u201d was written in a bathroom stall, demonstrates that Columbia University continues to foster an environment in which racism can thrive. This recalls Columbia\u2019s long history of <\/span>responding to racism with lukewarm gestures of admonishment<\/span><\/a> or not responding at all.\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n

These incidents take place in an environment of rising xenophobia, including the Trump administration\u2019s travel ban on all incoming travel from China for foreign nationals\u2014a policy that the ACLU <\/span>notes<\/span><\/a> \u201cflies in the face of considerable evidence that travel bans and quarantines can do more harm than good,\u201d and <\/span>flouts WHO best practices<\/span><\/a>. This ban has led to significant delays in students returning to their work and academic responsibilities. We appreciate all of the individual university staff who have supported students at this difficult time. However, as an institution, rather than supporting affected students in good faith, Columbia University has chosen to implement dehumanizing and confusing policies.\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n

Some students who have returned to campus from China have actively chosen to self-quarantine, which can often be a difficult and humiliating experience<\/span>.<\/b> As a result, they have generally missed classes and work for a fourteen-day period. These students should receive support, rather than inappropriate threats of discipline, <\/span>as in the case of at least one Barnard student.<\/span><\/a>\u00a0\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n

Given this, we demand that the university not just condemn on-campus anti-Chinese racism but actually support students who have been affected both by the novel coronavirus outbreak and the racist response to it. We demand concrete measures to support affected students, including:\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n