{"id":4103,"date":"2021-01-14T15:00:06","date_gmt":"2021-01-14T15:00:06","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/columbiagradunion.org\/?p=4103"},"modified":"2021-01-14T01:32:49","modified_gmt":"2021-01-14T01:32:49","slug":"bargaining-update-from-january-12-session","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/columbiagradunion.org\/2021\/01\/14\/bargaining-update-from-january-12-session\/","title":{"rendered":"Bargaining Update from January 12 Session"},"content":{"rendered":"

We had our first bargaining session of 2021 on Tuesday, January 12. Both sides introduced a number of revised proposals. Our discussions highlighted continued disagreements between GWC and Columbia, which we will continue to work through in future sessions.<\/p>\n

We opened with a few questions. First, we asked whether Columbia has planned a response to the Trump administration\u2019s damaging\u00a0last-minute change to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act<\/a>. This change, which does not have the usual public comment period, would prohibit institutions receiving federal funding from using \u201cdisparate effects\u201d as evidence of discrimination or discriminatory policies. Columbia\u2019s team did not have an immediate response. We again raised the question of vaccine distribution after hearing reports of contradictory communications about vaccine availability and unclear protocol for unused defrosted doses. The University reiterated that good communications are a priority and said they would confirm how new state vaccination rules would affect Teaching Assistants at Columbia. Finally, we followed up on the question of providing UNIs for dependent partners on the student health insurance plan so they could use the online portal of the Student Health Services, and Columbia agreed to investigate the matter.<\/p>\n

Bargaining Updates<\/strong><\/p>\n