Columbia Student Workers!

Our next General Body Meeting is scheduled for Monday, July 19th at 1:30 pm EST. The meeting will include a vote on the Communication, Process, and Records committees as required by our new bylaws; and a brief discussion with the members of the new Bargaining Committee on their vision for bargaining, their progress so far, and next steps to securing a strong contract. Register for this meeting here.

Nominations are hereby declared open for the Student Workers of Columbia (SWC)-UAW Local 2110 Interim Communications Committee (Eight [8] positions), Process Committee (Five [5] positions), and Records Committee (Three [3] positions): All eligible Union supporters – any Columbia graduate and undergraduate student who is currently employed by the University according to the categories outlined by the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) Columbia decision (i.e., graduate and undergraduate Teaching Assistants, Teaching Fellows, Preceptors, Course Assistants, Readers, Graders, Graduate Research Assistants [including those on Training Grants], and All Departmental Research Assistants) – who have signed a GWC-UAW authorization card and are automatically nominated for the Committees.

Any eligible Union supporter who wishes to accept the nomination for one or more of these groups should indicate so in a Special General Body Meeting to be held on Monday, July 19th at 1:30 pm EST. Members of the unit will vote on candidates for each committee at this meeting through a secret ballot. Each candidate will be allowed a 1.5-minute statement before the vote.

Following the election of our new bargaining committee, we are in the process of redrafting our contract proposals and bargaining strategy. Please participate in this process by completing this five minutes survey, and use this calendar to attend a Working Group meeting.