Join us for a panel being hosted by Dissent Magazine on ‘What’s Next for Graduate Student Unionism?’

At private universities across the country, graduate student workers are fighting for union recognition. In recent months there’s been a surge of activity in New York: in December, graduate students at Columbia and the New School publicly announced union campaigns, and in March, the Graduate Student Organizing Committee (GSOC) won their first contract with NYU. Elsewhere, Harvard graduate students just announced their campaign to unionize, and Yale’s union was involved in pushing for 6th-year funding, granted by the university last December.

Join Dissent magazine and graduate student organizers from Columbia, NYU, The New School, Harvard, and Yale to discuss recent victories, and the future of graduate student unionism in the United States.

Lily Defriend, Anthropology, NYU
Kelly Goodman, History, Yale
Eli Nadeau, Politics, New School
Cristina Groeger, History, Harvard
Andrea Crow, English and Comparative Literature, Columbia
Lindsey Dayton, History, Columbia

The discussion will be moderated by Dissent contributing editor and Belabored co-host Michelle Chen.

Check out the Facebook event here.