We met uptown this week, and began with some great news: workers at The New School finally got their ballots counted, and won their union with a sweeping 99.6% YES vote. Their President has pledged to start working with them right away; we hope that soon President Bollinger, too, will understand that we all want a stronger university.

We then continued with report-backs from Dean delegations and the bargaining table and agreed to bring the bargaining table uptown each Tuesday in August—starting August 1!

We’ve also scheduled our next organizing training for August 4, Friday, 4-6pm in Hamilton 302. This training is meant to help prepare people for the start of the fall semester, so come on out, and spread the word!

Finally, we’re planning our annual end-of-summer / start-of-semester barbeque for the end of August. Hope to see you all soon!