The GWC-UAW Local 2110 Organizing Committee stands with the protesters fighting the police state that is responsible for the murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Tony McDade, Ahmaud Arbery and many others. The police threaten the lives of Black and Indigenous people of color every day. We condemn the violent actions by police against protesters across the country, as well as our government’s deployment of the national guard. These events have come in the midst of COVID-19 which has disproportionately affected communities of color, in healthcare and increased policing. It is clear the only safe way forward is to defund the police and imagine other methods to maintain people’s safety. In the immediate future, we call for:

  • Columbia University to condemn and take action against racist acts on campus, including access to real recourse through a union grievance procedure, and make material changes against racial bias;
  • Columbia University to immediately cut ties with the NYPD and the New York City Police Foundation, and divest from any funding for police, ban police from all Columbia campuses, and redirect funds toward supporting Black and Indigenous people;
  • The AFL-CIO to revoke the membership of the International Union of Police Associations (IUPA);
  • Mayor DeBlasio and Governor Cuomo to immediately condemn and stop all police violence against protesters in New York, pardon all charges for protesters, and fire and charge officers who have used excessive force during these protests. Mayors and governors of other states must do the same.

We believe that Black Lives Matter. We urge our members to refer to these resources for how to show up for the movement when we cannot be on the ground protesting, and we encourage those among us who are able to donate to consult this list of bail funds/legal aid resources across the country and contribute where we can. Get more educated about these issues with some reading lists here and here. These are dark times. We hold in our hearts everyone facing police violence and all those protesting it as we join in demanding better from our university, city, and country.

Join the Protests in NYC

Protests are happening around New York City daily, this instagram has been updating on when and where protests will be held. If you would like to connect with other GWC members to attend the protests together please fill out this form and we will connect you.

X-Campus Statement Against State Terror and Call for Termination of University-Police Ties

Our organizing committee has signed onto the X-Campus statement you can sign onto individually here.


We know much more work needs to be done, we will continue this conversation, learn, and take action.