Our digital and in-person picket lines are on their fourth day! Today’s in-person picketing will be at Manhattanville (W 129th and Broadway).

As a reminder, in order to qualify for the strike benefits, you need to perform at least 10 hours a week of picketing duty. If you need an exemption, you can check off that box in the sign-up form. Our digital and in-person picket lines are open to everyone. Bring friends and let’s keep showing in large numbers!

The next bargaining session is scheduled for today, Thursday, March 18, 1:30-5 PM ET. Please RSVP using this link if you would like to attend the session over Zoom.

At this link you can find an editable graphic you can use as your profile picture during bargaining sessions and beyond. You can customize it by finishing the prompt “WE NEED …” as it relates to the contract negotiations, typing in the designated rectangle. You can find strike Zoom graphics here.