Thank you to everyone who participated in our election on bargaining committee eligibility. Voting ended today at 5PM. Here are the results:

Question #1 – What past, current, or future employment status should qualify a Columbia student to vote for a member of the GWC-UAW bargaining committee?

Option 1: 28.64%
Option 2: 8.62%
Option 3: 46.24%
Option 4: 16.5%

Question #2 – What past, current, or future employment status should qualify a Columbia student to run for the GWC-UAW bargaining committee?

Option 1: 37.64%
Option 2: 28.7%
Option 3: 23.11%
Option 4: 10.56%

As a reminder, these were the available options for both poll questions on bargaining committee eligibility:

Option 1 – Columbia graduate and undergraduate students who are currently employed by the university according to the categories outlined by the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) Columbia decision (i.e. graduate and undergraduate Teaching Assistants, Teaching Fellows, Preceptors, Course Assistants, Readers, Graders, Graduate Research Assistants [including those on Training Grants], and All Departmental Research Assistants).

Option 2 – Columbia graduate and undergraduate students who are currently or have been at some point in the past employed by the university in one of the categories outlined by the NLRB decision.

Option 3 – Columbia graduate and undergraduate students who are currently employed by the university, have been employed by the university in the past, or whose program includes a degree requirement to be employed by the university in one of the categories outlined by the NLRB decision.

Option 4 – Columbia graduate or undergraduate students who are currently employed by the university, have been employed by the university in the past, who will be required to be employed by the university in the future as part of their degree completion, or who may choose to but are not required to be employed by the university in one of the categories outlined by the NLRB decision.

We hope to send our bargaining survey in the ensuing weeks and we will have a meeting on January 26 at 7PM (location to be announced) to discuss and decide the make-up of the bargaining committee. In the meantime, please sign our petition to the university to drop the objections and respect our democratic choice.