The final vote count is 1,035 – 720 in favor of accepting the Framework Agreement Between the UAW and Columbia University proposed by the University.

We want to thank and applaud our unit for the phenomenal organizing surrounding the Framework, and the high vote turnout! The university tried to undermine our democratic strength by throwing a deal at us over Thanksgiving break, but we fought back with strength. With 1,975 ballots cast in total, including 220 challenge ballots, this vote is a testament to our unit’s determination to participate in the workings of our union. Congratulations! With this exceptional turnout, we are stronger now than ever.

As a result, the Bargaining Committee will accept the terms of the Framework and begin bargaining with Columbia University no later than February 25, 2019. We will halt preparations for the upcoming strike in the meantime, and focus on organizing for our contract negotiations and potential strike for a strong first contract by April 2020.

The Columbia Postdoctoral Workers (CPW) union has voted the Framework up by 450-25 in favor.

To discuss these matters and ensuing plans, please come to our General Body Meetings:

  • CUMC: Wednesday, November 28, 11.30 AM-1 PM @ Hammer LL106;
  • Morningside: Wednesday, November 28, 2.30-3.30 PM @ Philosophy 716, 6.30-8 PM @ IAB (SIPA) 707.

Please let us know if you need childcare or any other accommodation in order to attend by responding to this email.

The Framework set out the terms under which Columbia agreed to bargain a contract with GWC and the CPW. The proposed Framework was contingent on approval by both units. However, the process by which the Framework originated between UAW and Columbia University and was conducted without representatives of CPW and GWC, including both Bargaining Committees. The bargaining committee will be issuing a statement in this regard after a discussion with the unit.

We appreciate the challenges that this decision entailed for many of us. However, contrary to Columbia’s efforts to divide GWC, this experience has demonstrated the strength of our unit and our determination to achieve a just contract that improves the working conditions for all graduate workers. We look forward to working together as we move towards accomplishing this goal.

In solidarity,

GWC-UAW Local 2110 Bargaining Committee