We are pleased to present the results of our GWC-UAW Local 2110 Bargaining Committee vacancy and bargaining procedure referendum election.  Thank you to everyone who participated.

The following candidates received the largest number of votes and have been elected to the Bargaining Committee:

Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Natural Sciences

Daniel Blatter (elected by acclamation)

GSAS Humanities and Social Sciences

Rebecca Glade (80)
Susannah Glickman (120)
Jim LaBelle (87)
Matt Mazewski (176)
Dominic Walker (216)
Helen Zhao (254)

School of Engineering and Applied Sciences

Yash Amonkar (293)
Jake Rabinowitz (140)

Biomedical Sciences/Columbia University Medical Center/Public Health

Batul Hassan (311)
Miles Richardson (183)

Professional/other schools (School of the Arts, Journalism, SIPA, Business, Professional Studies, GSAPP, Social Work, and Law, etc)

Nicandro Iannacci (158)
Eva Schreiner (311)

The following referendum questions received the largest number of votes:

Open Bargaining

Proposal A (344)
Proposal B (205)

Holiday Bargaining
Holidays: No bargaining between the union and the employer shall be conducted during academic holidays, including summer or winter breaks. Specifically, no bargaining shall be authorized to take place between the last day of Final Exams in the Spring semester and the first day of classes in the Fall semester. Likewise, no bargaining shall be authorized to take place between the last day of Final Exams in the Fall semester and the first day of classes in the Spring Semester.

Approved (391)
Disapprove (158)