Our digital and in-person picket lines are on their third day! Today’s in-person picketing will be at CUMC (W 168th and Fort Washington) outside of the Hammer Health Sciences Building.

As a reminder, in order to qualify for the strike benefits, you need to perform at least 10 hours a week of picketing duty. If you need an exemption, you can check off that box in the sign-up form. Our digital and in-person picket lines are open to everyone. Bring friends and let’s keep showing in large numbers!

UAW Strike Assistance Fund

If you have not already done so, fill out this form to request assistance from the UAW Strike Assistance Fund by Monday, March 22, 2021.

After you have filled out the request form, you will receive an email from “MyUAW System <apache@my.uaw.org>”. In this email will be a link to https://strike.uaw.org/ with your unique password to login. On the website, you will be asked to enter your social security number, address, and bank account information—this information will be used to send your strike assistance funds.

If you have any questions or need clarification, you can check out our updated FAQ which has answers about the funds and pay, and you can reach out to us by responding to this email or to columbiagradunion@gmail.com.