Rally Urging Columbia to Respect our Democratic Choice on Unionization
Friday, December 4th, 12pm on the Low Steps

Nearly one year after we informed Columbia University of majority support for GWC-UAW as our union, the administration continues its efforts to block our democratic choice and delay collective bargaining. The National Labor Relations Board has nevertheless continued moving closer to restoring our right to collective bargaining and scheduling an election, which could happen as early as next semester. Join us December 4 to celebrate one year of GWC-UAW and help send a strong message to the Columbia administration to respect our democratic choice.

flyer_638x825We will rally with elected leaders from the New York City area, faculty, support staff, undergraduates, and others and collectively demand that Columbia accept the pending NLRB decision, remain neutral on unionization and respect our democratic choice for GWC-UAW as our union if a majority of us vote “Union yes”!

More information can be found on our Facebook event page: