Led by Secretary Betsy DeVos, the Department of Education is trying to weaken protections against sexual assault and harassment (also known as Title IX protections). These changes would represent a huge step backwards in ending the crisis of sexual harassment
Urgent: Huge Step Backwards on Title IX Protection
Led by Secretary Betsy DeVos, the Department of Education is trying to weaken protections against sexual assault and harassment (also known as Title IX protections). These changes would represent a huge step backwards in ending the crisis of sexual harassment
How to be part of the fight for a strong contract!
We are excited to begin bargaining next month! As we ramp up preparations to begin bargaining in February please find information below on how you can be involved in the ongoing fight for a strong and fair contract. If you
Open Bargaining
We are ready to get to the bargaining table! The GWC Organizing Committee endorses Open Bargaining as a fundamental principle for our contract negotiations with Columbia University. Open Bargaining is a union negotiation procedure where all contract engagement between workers
Bargaining Committee’s Statement to Region 9A Director
Many of you have expressed your concerns with the process that brought to us the Framework Agreement between the UAW and Columbia University. The bargaining committee shares those concerns about the lack of transparency in that undemocratic process and is
Vote Results on the Bargaining Framework Proposal
The final vote count is 1,035 – 720 in favor of accepting the Framework Agreement Between the UAW and Columbia University proposed by the University. We want to thank and applaud our unit for the phenomenal organizing surrounding the Framework,
Vote Results on the Bargaining Framework Proposal
The final vote count is 1,035 – 720 in favor of accepting the Framework Agreement Between the UAW and Columbia University proposed by the University. We want to thank and applaud our unit for the phenomenal organizing surrounding the Framework,
Breaking News: Columbia proposes a framework to bargain
We would like to share with you that, as a result of hard work, including our current preparations for a possible strike, Columbia University at 12:30 PM today has offered to bargain with GWC and the Columbia Postdoctoral Workers subject
Rally: Bargain Now or We’ll #CUonStrike
What Runs This School? Union Power! With only 3 weeks left until our November 30 strike deadline, we are rallying on Low Steps to send a clear message to President Bollinger: either Bargain Now or We’ll #CUonStrike! When: Thursday, November
Strike Deadline, Nov 30
During our strike in April, over 1,500 graduate workers withdrew their labor and marched on the picket lines, and when the strike ended, we knew what our next steps would be. We continued organizing over the summer and vowed to