Overwhelming 93% Strike Authorization

We held a strike authorization vote. It’s time for Columbia to honor our democratic vote and to start bargaining.

Thank you to everyone who came out to vote in the strike authorization vote over the past two weeks. Our strike authorization vote has concluded: out of 1968 valid ballots,1832, (93%) voted YES, with 136 voting NO.  

This is a clear and decisive mandate from a majority of research and teaching assistants at Columbia.

Join us for a general body meeting on Monday, April 16 @ 7PM, in Avery Hall Room 114 to discuss our next steps.

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions about a strike authorization vote can be found here.

Please contact us at columbiagradunion@gmail.com with any further questions.

The strike authorization vote will be held from Monday, April 2 through Friday, April 13.

Voting will be held in-person at the following locations as well as through a moving ballot box that can be followed on our twitter account.

  • Morningside: 10am to 4pm, Nous Cafe//Graduate Student Center in Philosophy Hall
  • CUMC: 12pm to 2pm and 5 to 7pm, Hammer Health Sciences Building Room LL1-104
  • Lamont: 11am to 2pm (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday’s only), Graduate Student Lounge in the Cafeteria Building.
  • Manhattanville: 12pm to 2pm, Jerome L Greene Science Center Main Lobby. Please note, on April 10 we will be on the 5th floor. 

If you cannot make it to campus for the vote (ie: attending a conference, conducting research outside of the city, etc.) please let us know here. We will contact you with further instructions on how to vote.

We changed labor law. We voted union YES. We won NLRB certification.

Columbia has worked against us for the past three-and-a-half years and actively used this time to voice their anti-union stance.

Now it’s time to demonstrate that our work is essential to this university. So are the democratic values that our NLRB election represented. As our open letter below announces, we are now organizing for a strike authorization vote.