UPDATED MAY 3, 2017:

We are proud to announce that the bargaining goals have been ratified with 91% of the vote, with 1,307 workers voting (1,188 yes to 119 no). We now have all the components in place to bargain with Columbia…except a willing bargaining partner. If Columbia had not dragged out this process, we could be negotiating a contract this summer.

We firmly believe the National Labor Relations Boards (NLRB) in DC will soon rule in our favor, toss out Columbia’s spurious objections to our overwhelming election victory, and certify our union. It is time for the university to stop delaying, drop their objections, and come to the bargaining table!

While we wait for the decision, we have time to continue to hear from workers about their specific goals and grievances. We’ll keep making ourselves available in town halls, and please continue to reach out at our email address gwc.bargaining@gmail.com! Also stay tuned for ways to apply pressure on the University’s administration and exciting news from the NLRB.

Voting to ratify our initial bargaining goals began Monday, April 24, at 9am. Voting will end Sunday, April 30, at 5pm.In order to participate, open the link to vote sent from Survey Monkey in your inbox. If you cannot find the link, please check your spam and/or promotions folder in case it has arrived there by mistake. If you still can’t find it, please fill out this form.

Bargaining unit members who have signed an authorization card will be able to vote online to ratify these proposals.


Dear colleagues,

We are pleased to present our initial bargaining goals. Here is a link to the full version, as well as a summarized version here. These proposals will be presented at general meetings to be held at both Columbia’s uptown and downtown campuses. The downtown meeting is Friday, April 14th, 4-6 PM in Avery 114. The uptown meeting is Monday, April 17th, 6-7 PM in Black 523. In the final week of April, bargaining unit members who have signed an authorization card will be able to vote online to ratify these proposals.

We are excited to take this step toward opening negotiations with the University. We hope that your decisive ratification of these goals will send a clear message to the administration that they must stop delaying the democratic process and come to the bargaining table.

These proposals were developed with the input of almost 2,000 student workers who completed bargaining surveys as well as the input of many conversations with GWC organizers over the course of our fight for union recognition. The inclusive and broad language of these goals is designed to cover the variety of issues faced by graduate workers. This is not the end of the communication process; once we begin bargaining we will continue to reach out to you for your information and experiences.

In solidarity,

The Bargaining Committee of GWC-UAW Local 2110:

Ian Bradley-Perrin, PhD student in Sociomedical Sciences
Olga Brudastova, MS/PhD student in Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics
Noura Farra, PhD student in Computer Science
A.L. Hu, M.Arch student in GSAPP
Trevor Hull, PhD student in Chemistry
Kate Jackson, PhD student in Political Science
Rosalie Ray, PhD student in Urban Planning (GSAPP)
Justin Steinfeld, MD/PhD student in the Integrated Program
Takaya Uchida, PhD student in Earth Science
Sophie Wilkowske, Columbia College ‘17

An online vote to ratify our initial bargaining goals will run from Monday, April 24, 9am to Sunday, April 30, 5pm.

Initial Bargaining Goals (full)
Highlights of our Initial Bargaining Goals

If you have any questions or comments please contact the Bargaining Committee at gwc.bargaining@gmail.com