Update November 27, 2018: The final vote count is 1,035 – 720 in favor of accepting the Framework Agreement Between the UAW and Columbia University proposed by the University.

Bargaining Framework Proposal Vote

Columbia offered the bargaining committees of both the Columbia Postdoctoral Workers (CPW-UAW) and the Graduate Workers of Columbia (GWC-UAW) an up-or-down vote on a framework for bargaining. The framework was discussed between the University Provost John Coatsworth and UAW Region 9A Director Beverley Brakeman without any representation from GWC nor CPW. Regardless of this procedural issue, it must be voted on by the GWC and CPW by November 28, 2018 or it is null and void. If either union rejects it or doesn’t respond to the offer, it will be null and void for both unions.

The framework agreement can be found here.

You can read the pros and cons of the agreement here.

After a non-unanimous vote, the bargaining committee recommends voting “yes” on the bargaining framework offered by Columbia University. Although we do not agree with all the concessions we are asked to make, the recommendation is based on the strategic vision the bargaining committee has for the future of our campaign in solidarity with CPW Most of us feel confident we can bargain a strong contract under the terms of this agreement after all the years of dedicated organizing as a united front.

If you have not received a link to vote email us at columbiagradunion@gmail.com

Voting ends on November 27, 2018 at 12:00AM EST.

Eligible voters would be Columbia graduate and undergraduate students who have signed a GWC-UAW authorization card and are currently employed by the university, previously employed by the university, or expect to be employed by the university in one of the categories outlined by the NLRB decision (i.e. graduate and undergraduate Teaching Assistants, Teaching Fellows, Preceptors, Course Assistants, Readers, Graders, Graduate Research Assistants [including those on Training Grants], and All Departmental Research Assistants). If you meet the above criteria and have not signed up for the Union previously, you may do so here.