GWC-UAW Files Petition with the NLRB

As you all know, two weeks ago we announced majority support for GWC-UAW with a delegation of over 200 of us delivering a letter to President Bollinger for a fair and expedient process for recognition of our union. We’re disappointed the university has yet to respond, but we’re still open to meeting with Columbia’s administration and discussing how together we can make a stronger and more democratic university.

IMG_0380 IMG_0381In the meantime, we have now filed a petition with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) seeking certification of GWC-UAW as our union. If the university continues to ignore our request, we hope the NLRB will affirm our legal right to collective bargaining and ensure a process where the administration is required to respect our choice on unionization.

As soon as we have new information about next steps in the NLRB process, we will let you know. You are also welcome to become more involved in the process by joining our weekly meetings or organizing more in your department.