This morning we sent out an email with a link to vote on our bargaining committee’s initial bargaining goals. If you have not received this link please go here and let us know; we will send you a link. Please also check your spam/promo folders for an e-mail from Survey Monkey ( the sender is listed as: via <>).

Voting started this morning, April 24 @ 9:00AM and will end on Sunday, April 30 @ 5:00PM. Bargaining unit members who have signed an authorization card will be able to vote to ratify these proposals. If you have not signed a card you may do so on our website.

We are excited to take this step toward opening negotiations with the University. We hope that your decisive ratification of these goals will send a clear message to the administration that they must stop delaying the democratic process and come to the bargaining table.

These proposals were developed with the input of over 2,000 student workers who completed bargaining surveys, as well as  information gathered over countless conversations between grad workers and GWC organizers during our three-year fight for union recognition. The inclusive and broad language of these goals is designed to cover the variety of issues faced by graduate workers. This is just one step in the ongoing collaboration between the bargaining committee and our union as a whole. Once we begin bargaining, we will continue to reach out to you for your information, experiences, and expertise on the issues that affect you most.

Upcoming events where you can learn more and ask questions include:

  • 4/24 (Monday) 3-5PM, Engineering Office Hours — Mudd, Carleton Lounge
  • 4/24 (Monday) 7PM, Communications Town Hall — Pulitzer Hall, PhD Lounge
  • 4/25 (Tuesday) 1-2PM, SIPA Town Hall — IAB 324
  • 4/26 (Wednesday) 12-1PM, Lamont Town Hall
  • 4/26 (Wednesday) 4-6PM, STEM Town Hall — Northwest Corner Building 7th FL Conference Room
  • 4/26 (Wednesday) 6-7PM, Undergraduate & Masters Town Hall, Location TBA

Bargaining committee members can also be reached at with any questions/comments.