We are ready to get to the bargaining table! The GWC Organizing Committee endorses Open Bargaining as a fundamental principle for our contract negotiations with Columbia University. Open Bargaining is a union negotiation procedure where all contract engagement between workers
Solidarity Statement against White Supremacy on Campus

On Sunday, a Columbia University student was recorded outside of Butler Library verbally and physically harassing students of colour while yelling white supremacist slogans. The GWC Organizing Committee condemns in the strongest terms this student’s disgusting statements, and we stand
Statement of Solidarity with Professor Midlarksy

The Organizing Committee of the Graduate Workers of Columbia University – UAW Local 2110 stands in solidarity with Professor Midlarksy.
Statement of Solidarity with Migrants

The Organizing Committee of the Graduate Workers of Columbia University – UAW Local 2110 stands in solidarity with migrants and calls on organized labor to welcome and support thousands of migrants en route to the United States.