On Sunday, a Columbia University student was recorded outside of Butler Library verbally and physically harassing students of colour while yelling white supremacist slogans. The GWC Organizing Committee condemns in the strongest terms this student’s disgusting statements, and we stand in solidarity with all people of color on campus.

We believe that this outrageous incident can be traced in part to curricula that reinforce the outcomes of colonial expansion and domination by Western civilizations, and downplay or outright ignore the scientific and intellectual achievements of non-Western societies and cultures. In light of the recent anti-semitic vandalism at Teachers College, we further recognize that this incident is part of a larger movement targeting all people of color, women, migrants, queer and trans people, and workers, both on and off-campus.

We must stand together and organize with our progressive allies to expand our collective fight against racism and white supremacy – a fight in which we all have a stake. Columbia University has unfortunately refused to commit to making the changes necessary to stop these attacks from happening, The Columbia Students of Color Alliance has, therefore, called on the university to fully reappraise the required courses of the Core Curriculum and discipline the student in question. We, the GWC Organizing Committee, support these demands.