We have attached some resources about actions you can take in solidarity with BLM locally:

Sign These Petitions:

  1. https://nocopunions.com/ — Ask unions to disaffiliate from cop unions (does not mean cops would not have unions, only that they would be excluded from umbrella organizations such as AFL-CIO).  Our union has endorsed this petition.
  2. https://www.change.org/p/columbia-university-diverge-from-nypd — Campus-wide petition started by students and Harlem residents demanding that Columbia University, including Barnard College, cut ties with as well as disclose the full nature of its relationship to NYPD. Our union has endorsed this petition.
  3. http://chng.it/DSMPQPHFTR — Ask Governor Cuomo and NYC Mayor DeBlasio to ban police from New York public schools to help end the school-to-prison pipeline.


Sign up to Attend Protests with other Union Members: 

  1.  If you would like to connect with other GWC members to attend the protests together please fill out this form and we will connect you.


List of Other Actions:

  1. https://twitter.com/survivepunish/status/1267962371441483776 — S&P 30 Days Challenge #TowardAbolition! Take 2 actions every day until July 4 in solidarity with communities everywhere resisting fascism, state violence, gender-based violence and racial capitalism!
  2. Click here to send an email to the Presidents and Provosts offices at Columbia and Barnard demanding that the University end all relationships and contracts with the NYPD immediately.
  3. https://defund12.org/ — populates an email to the city council of a number of different cities–is more effective if you personalize it 
  4. NYC Black Mutual Aid for funds and supplies from BYP 100 – donate viaPayPal, request form
  5. Black Trans Solidarity Fund for groceries from TheOkraProject – donate via Paypal, request form
  6. Silvia Rivera Law Projectvolunteer to do material distribution, office work (data entry, photocopying, faxing, filing, etc.), media/press, translation, writing to our members who are incarcerated, graphic design, film and media, outreach, and editing 
  7. Black Lives Matter carrd — check out this website for more expansive opportunities to get involved, donate, resources to read and ways to support the movement


If you have any other resources you would like to share, please be in touch!

In solidarity.