Our strike continues into the third week!

We encourage everyone to continue to demonstrate our power by signing up for in-person picketing here and virtual picketing here. Lunch will be provided at the in-person pickets.

Remember to fill out this poll about strike participation and bargaining priorities by noon on Monday, March 29. This information will help us to evaluate strategy going forward in negotiations and organizing. Please take a moment to add your voice!

Information about UAW Strike Assistance and Hardship Fund

Workers on strike can apply for the UAW Strike Fund for $275 a week. In order to qualify, workers must spend 10 or more hours a week at the picket line, either virtual or in-person (we encourage workers to join the picket line for 20 hours or more per week). Workers who require an exemption due to time zone differences or other circumstances can apply for an exemption using either of the picket sign-up links (virtual or in-person), or by responding to this email. Both U.S. citizens/residents and international student workers are eligible to apply for and receive the UAW Strike Fund if they have a U.S. social security number.

In addition to that strike benefit, we have hardship funds to draw from. Columbia/Barnard YDSA has organized a gofundme for us which has already raised over $145,000 from over two thousand donors and continues to grow! In addition, we have access to funds donated directly to UAW from allied organizations and individuals in support of our strike.

Please complete the application for the hardship fund by April 2 (the first round). More info can be found in an email from our Hardship Fund Committee here.

GWC-UAW Local 2110 Bargaining Committee