We stand in solidarity with the ongoing struggles in Colombia and Palestine against U.S. sponsored settler colonialism and violent state repression.

We demand justice for the people of Sheikh Jarrah who are being violently displaced from their homes by Israeli settlers, the victims of the attack on Al-Aqsa Mosque, and the Israeli airstrikes on the Gaza Strip as well as an end to the Israeli occupation. We acknowledge that we are enmeshed within a settler colonial institution that supports and invests in Israeli state violence. As student workers committed to a world free from apartheid and settler colonialism, we join those who raise their voices to reject the oppression of Palestinian people.


We unequivocally condemn the actions of the Colombian government, who with U.S. police and military assistance, have instructed the State repressive forces in the arrest, forced disappearance, and use of deadly violence against rightful protesters from April 28th to this day. We demand the end of military repression in Colombia.

In Solidarity,

GWC-UAW Local 2110 Organizing Committee