Questions, concerns, or thoughts? Contact the bargaining committee at

Read more about our initial bargaining goals, developed from the input of over 2,500 graduate student workers and ratified by a 91% vote, here. If you have not filled out a bargaining survey yet, please fill out here.

Full initial bargaining goals here | Highlights of the goals here.

Latest updates from the bargaining committee

Election Results

Tonight at 9pm EDT the election ended and we announced the results on Zoom. 983 unit members participated in this election. The new bargaining committee consists of the following members: Ethan Jacobs Nadeem Mansour Laura Benoit Lilian Coie Colin Adams

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Week of July 6: Bargaining Updates from the Table

On July 10, we continued negotiations with Columbia’s bargaining team over our first contract. Before we launched into our open articles, we discussed the University’s response to the now-rescinded ICE directive which was supposed to bar international students from online-only

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Update on Issues Surrounding COVID-19

Thank you to everyone who participated in the recent GWC days of action and other efforts pushing University administrators and elected leaders toward a more just distribution of resources as the COVID-19 crisis continues. Together we have made some progress

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Bargaining and COVID-19 Updates from the Table

Update on Strike FAQ In their most recent effort to divide us, the Columbia administration sent out a series of emails attempting to track down who is striking and who is not––a common employer intimidation tactic aimed at discouraging participation.

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FAQ on Strike and Related Activity

FAQ on Strike and Related Activity On April 23, the Bargaining Committee voted 5-3 against calling a strike. We understand there are workers who have chosen to engage in strike activity at Columbia. While GWC-UAW did not call for this

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Statement from the Bargaining Committee

The Bargaining Committee voted 5-3 against calling a strike under the current circumstances. We will continue to fight for a strong contract and fair solutions to problems rising from the COVID-19 crisis. We expect Columbia to respect the student workers’

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Columbia is weaponizing its “academic purview”

Bargaining update: The GWC bargaining committee met with Columbia’s representatives again this past Friday, January 31st. Here is a quick summary of what unfolded: We reached a tentative agreement on our Training article. Columbia and GWC both passed counters on

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Turning Point in our Campaign to Achieve a Fair Contract

Student workers, We are at a turning point in our campaign to achieve a fair contract. The initial stages of the bargaining process involved carefully drafting each contract article in accordance with our democratically-ratified bargaining goals; listening to and gauging

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Turning Point in our Campaign to Achieve a Fair Contract

Student workers, We are at a turning point in our campaign to achieve a fair contract. The initial stages of the bargaining process involved carefully drafting each contract article in accordance with our democratically-ratified bargaining goals; listening to and gauging

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Columbia Rejects Union Health Benefits for the Second Time

Columbia Rejects Union Health Benefits for the Second Time We met with Columbia’s bargaining team on November 13 at Studebaker to continue our fight for a strong contract. This was our 19th bargaining session with the university since negotiations began

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