Sign up to get on the bus to Yale here!

As you know, Columbia’s administration has spent the last six months refusing to accept our overwhelming “UNION YES” vote in December’s election.  But it’s not just Columbia: Graduate workers across the country are facing spurious delays and legal challenges. That is why we call on your solidarity with the graduate workers of Yale, Local 33 – Unite Here, who have been organizing for over 25 years.  We write to ask you to join a delegation going to Yale on May 22nd, where we will stand together with academic workers from dozens of campuses across the Northeast in support of grad workers’ right to unionize. Members of Local 33 have been fasting and protesting all this past month to bring attention to the cost of administrators’ legal delay tactics; we will join them and their allies for a massive demonstration during Yale’s commencement proceedings. Later in the day, we will convene with grad workers defending our right to unionize at Harvard, Princeton, Penn, and The New School, among other campuses, to plan for the fight ahead together.

Buses will leave at 5:30AM from 275 7th Avenue (between W25th and 26th), in Manhattan. The bus will leave Yale to return to NYC at 12PM (noon). Breakfast and lunch will be provided. Please sign up for the bus here.

We also encourage you to take a moment and join Mayor Bill de Blasio, Democratic National Committee Chair Tom Perez, and more than 660 others who have signed this petition in solidarity with Yale’s grad union, calling on their employer to “immediately stop their tactics of delay, to begin a constructive dialogue in keeping with the spirit of the University, to embrace the values of these young scholars and to celebrate their efforts to create a more equitable and democratic society.”