It’s time. If the Columbia administration does not agree to start bargaining with our union by 10am tomorrow (Tuesday, April 24) we will immediately go on strike.


Strong and visible participation on our picket line will help send Columbia the message that they need to respect our vote and start bargaining.  Join your colleagues on the picket line at the following shifts:

Tuesday 4/24: 10am to 3pm

Wednesday 4/25: 11am to 3pm

Thursday 4/26: 11am to 3pm

Friday 4/27: 11am to 3pm

Monday 4/28: 11am to 3pm

Everyone should check-in at the sun dial on College Walk on April 24, 25, 27, 30, and at CUMC, Hammer Building on April 26. Please go here to read over our picket line policies.

Energy and excitement for our union and for the larger graduate worker movement continues to grow! Our overwhelming 93% strike vote sent Columbia a clear message to respect our democracy. Following our strike vote, a majority of graduate workers at Harvard voted in favor of unionization last week.  This growing momentum makes clear that Columbia’s efforts to block our democratic rights here on our campus cannot hold back the rising tide of academic workers seeking to improve our conditions and make our universities more just and inclusive for all. Columbia administration needs to get on the right of history and negotiate with our union.  CU on the lines tomorrow.