In light of last Tuesday’s events, we, the Graduate Workers of Columbia (GWC-UAW Local 2110) organizing committee, find it vital to reiterate our commitment to the core progressive values that have informed our unionization campaign since we began over two
Our upcoming vote on unionization at Columbia
As eligible voters in the upcoming National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) election on unionization, we have a historic opportunity. If a majority votes “yes” for GWC-UAW as our union at Columbia, the administration would be obligated for the first time
Update on Proposed Debate with Provost
Three weeks have now passed since we invited the Provost to a town-hall-style debate on unionization. So far he has not accepted our proposal, even though we have informed him that the Student Affairs Committee of the University Senate offered
We’ve got Union Election Dates!

It’s official! We get to vote for GWC-UAW as our union on December 7 and 8, 2016. We have huge, exciting news! The regional National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) just announced the dates for our election on unionization at Columbia,
Why we requested a debate with the Provost
As we await the Provost’s decision whether or not to accept our invitation to debate the unionization of graduate workers, I wanted to share my first-hand account attending one of the recent administration-led town hall events that inspired our debate
An invitation to the Provost
Today, the Graduate Workers of Columbia (GWC-UAW Local 2110) Organizing Committee has invited Provost Coatsworth to participate in a debate on the unionization of graduate workers at Columbia University. We have asked him to respond by Wednesday, October 26, and
Take on Sexual Harassment in the Academy

Dear Colleagues, I work at Columbia University Medical Center, and I perform research on neurodegeneration and Alzheimer’s disease. Unfortunately, I and many of my colleagues have discovered the hard way that Columbia has woefully insufficient and ineffective mechanisms for addressing
We want to send a quick, strong message (intl student fees)

Some international students have noticed that Columbia still appears to be charging us for the “International Services Fee,” even though Provost Coatsworth and Dean of Engineering Boyce told us in May that this fee would be “covered” as of Fall
Bernie and the Mayor add support to our campaign

Momentum keeps building for a grad union! Last week NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio became the latest high ranking elected official to strongly support a graduate union at Columbia. While speaking to attendees at the annual Working Families Party gala
Huge support but Provost spreads misinformation
Since our victory winning back union rights, we have experienced a huge outpouring of support, including massive media coverage of our historic campaign. Hundreds of us have already committed to vote “yes” for GWC-UAW in the upcoming unionization election. As