Today we are galvanized to continue our preparations for the strike as the Bargaining Committee enters the last session before the deadline. Everything we can do in this final push towards the strike deadline on Monday, and once the strike
Bargaining Update from March 9 Session
Columbia’s negotiating team started this session by announcing that they will be respecting our legal right to strike, and will not retaliate against individuals. At the same time, yesterday they asserted that they would announce a system within 24 hours
Important Email on Strike Pay
The energy in our union is overwhelming as we prepare to strike on Monday, March 15, to win a fair contract! If you have not yet done so, remember to sign-up for in-person or digital picketing shifts. At today’s bargaining session Bernie Plum, Columbia’s outside legal
Toward an Agreement (Bargaining Committee Edits)
What follows is the GWC bargaining committee’s response to Provost Katznelson’s email sent yesterday. What the Provost says What GWC bargaining committee knows A hallmark of the agreement was the decision we took to significantly raise compensation minimums for postdocs.
Important Next Steps towards Our Strike!
We invite you to join us by: ✅ Signing up for in-person picketing (see our picket line policies here). ✅ Signing up for virtual picketing. 📷 Taking and posting a photo to build pressure before the strike! You can print out or display this poster in
Bargaining Update from March 4 Session
TLDR: The University asserts they have passed us their best offer, but they fall short on recognition, compensation, health benefits, appointment guarantees, non-discrimination and harassment, and union shop. At yesterday’s session, the University claimed that they put forth the proposals
Bargaining Update from March 1 Session
This Monday, March 1, we met with the University for the first time since announcing our strike deadline of March 15. We started by reminding them of our commitment to bargain more frequently than twice a week and dedicate full
Preparing to Strike: General Body Meetings (3/8 & 3/9) and Picket Sign-Up
As negotiations with the University continue, we are ramping up for our potential strike. The strike deadline is set for March 15th. We invite you to our two upcoming General Body Meetings: Monday, March 8, 6-7:15 PM ET (registration link);
Bargaining Update from February 24 and 25 Sessions
On Thursday, February 25 we hit the two-year anniversary of bargaining, and we marked the occasion by announcing our intent to strike if we do not reach a fair contract by March 15. We conducted bargaining sessions Wednesday and Thursday of last
Contract or Strike by March 15
Yesterday marks the two-year anniversary of when we began bargaining for our first contract with Columbia. Two years is far too long to ask workers to wait for essential protections—and the pandemic has only made it clearer that we can’t